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Friday, August 17, 2007

Steven Comes in Today!!!

Well it is finally here!!! Steven comes in today at 10:55 pm. I am so excited. I can't believe how long I have been waiting and it is finally here. I get to pick him up from the airport tonight and spend all weekend together before he leaves on Tuesday. It will be sad when he leaves but I have got to remember to enjoy the time we DO have together. I hope everyone else has as much of a great weekend as I will be having!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Only 3 more Days!!!

Well today is Tuesday, August 14th. I am so excited because there are only 3 more days until Steven comes home on the 17th. It will be here soon as I know it. I can't believe I have waited so long for this to happen (him be home) and it is already here!! I am going to jump out of my skin when I see him. The only bad thing is that he comes in at 10:55pm so I have all day to stay busy and not go crazy! I am getting my hair dyed and taking care of some other stuff so hopefully my day will go by fast. I am getting so excited!!! CAN'T WAIT!

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Well tomorrow, the 10th will be one week from when Steven will be coming home. It is getting closer and closer everyday! Yes, he will only be home for 3.5 days but still, he will be coming home. I can't wait to see him and I know everyone here in SA town can't wait either! Today I went downtown and got our marriage license since we will be getting married on August 19th. It was so easy but I hope we never have to do it again! The first time is the charm. Here is a picture of the "big document". Have a good one! I'm so excited!!!