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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

College Ring

Yesterday before class my mom and I ordered my college ring!! I know it is a small thing but it is one of the first glorious steps in graduation. I am so happy to be getting this show on the road. There is so much to get done this semester. Other than course work for 5 classes there are practice tests, certification exams, applying for graduation, graduation meetings, and a ton of other things that haven't come up yet. Even though I am swimming in work I am so glad that I am getting one step closer to being a college grad. Only like 10-11 months till I walk that stage but believe me, in May I will be doing a happy dance because all but one of my courses will be DONE!!! Thank you God for letting me get this far in only 3 years!! The picture is kinda what mine will look like ( I don't get it till May) but it is the lower one. The girly one!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My smart little man!

I have never been around very many kids growing up and I must say, they are amazing. My little guy has just grown so much in even the past month. I love him so much and I am so glad that he was born. His sibling that I am pushing my sister for will have big shoes to fill. He is SO SMART!! I don't know if this is normal but he can say all his alphabet. ALL of them. All 26 letters and sounds. Also he knows four of his colors. He can say them and point them out. Brown, orange, yellow, and blue! I am so proud. Okay I know, everyone thinks their family is the best but he is 2 years old and 2 months! Can I be a little boastful? I love him so much and he is my favorite nephew. Well he is my only nephew but we have a special bond!

I know some day he will grow up but I am trying to enjoy every minute I have with him. He is special to me and I can't wait for another one to play with. I want Steven to be here so I can show him off to him!! Okay enough raving about my super smart nephew!!

Sittin' at School

Hey! I am just sitting at school , waiting for my next class to start. Bored. My first class was good. The enviroment is 9 students and a teacher who sits in a desk just like us so it is cool, laid back. Good stuff. Anyway, my next class is fun too but why do I have to be here so late? 8:15 is too late! And yes, I can complain because the classes I take are offered only once so I didn't have an option. Not fair! BUT this is my last semester. So that is good. I think I will get to class now. So close yet so far!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Okay, so in life we have to deal with the cards we are dealt. I think that is agreed. Well it is my 21st birthday on Monday and tonight we had the party. Steven isn't here for another birthday and I miss him greatly and more than anything. But I think we are pretty smart for what we pulled!! Steven came to my party!!! He had the day off and we thought of the super smart idea for us to have the web cams at our party. Other than the fact that he got to talk to everyone he got to celebrate my birthday with me!! It was wonderful. If I couldn't have him here with me physically he was still here on the computer!!! We are smart cookies!! What could have been a depressing birthday turned into a super wonderful one!! Thanks babe!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

When it rains, It POURS!! But in a good way!!

Hello all! School started yesterday and I am already swamped. Good thing there is a holiday for public school on Friday and Monday. All my classes so far seem to be really good and beneficial but man! there is a lot of work to get done. I think my eyes might fall out from all the reading that I will have to do this semester. I go to class on Tuesday from 9:30-10:45 then from 5:30-8:15pm. Then Thursday I have class from 9:30 to 8:15pm *long day* and finally I have class on Friday from 5:30-8:15. It makes my nights go fast but when Steven comes home I will be so tired and feel bad for leaving him at night. I will be working every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the school district. Oh boy!! BUSY!!! But I love it. It makes me be productive!! Here is a cute picture that Steven photo shopped and put himself in. It is from new year's and I think it is too cute. I love him so much! It made me laugh.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Busy Week!!

I got to work 4 days this week and it was good and bad! I enjoyed working but some of the classes (5th grade) were difficult. I love working as a sub as of now and overall the experience has been great and I can't wait to teach for real. Subs really do have a hard job. A different groups everyday is tough!! I am going back to school next week and I am excited about that too. It will be fun and stressful but I am making progress and that is what matters. I am being positive about Steven being gone cause he will be home in 56 days!!! YAY!!! He is down but he will make it! Just needs some encouraging! WE LOVE YOU STEVEN!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to Work!!!

Tomorrow I got a job!!! I will be at Heritage MS for a half day of work. Okay I know it is only half a day but I will ease in however I can. $37.50 is better that $0.00 and sitting around on my duff all day!! I am excited. Back to a normal, busy schedule. Then after work I have a subing meeting in LaVernia. Also very exciting. My name will be on the roll there to sub also!! I love it!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Let the fun begin!!!

Since Steven has left I have been bored out of my mind. I mean, yes, I am doing things but I am not as busy as I usually am. Usually I am going like a chicken with my head cut off with school full time, observations, and working also. I needed a break but I am so bored!!! But I know that next week I will start subing again hopefully and then the week of the 14th I will be starting school again and working!!! YEH! I will be taking 5 classes this semester (3 are night classes boo!!!) and observing with my two approaches classes (the classes you take before STUDENT TEACHING!!!). In addition to that I will be subing on Monday and Friday, and sometimes Tuesday! So needless to say, once school starts it will be like full speed ahead. It will make the time waiting for steven to come home go by faster. He will just have to jump in whenever he comes home! Also I have to start taking my practice tests for my certification. Everything is starting to wind down in the direction of GRADUATION!!!!! (in Dec.) I am so proud of myself!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!! I just know that this year will be great! My birthday is in about 2 weeks. I will be 21 on the 21st!! I hear that means it will be a lucky year! Steven will be coming home in March (yay). My sister in law will graduate from college in May. Steven will start school for good in June! (finally) And both my mother and myself will graduate from college, her with a Master's degree, and me with my first degree!! I am so excited about all the things that will happen this year. It will be a super busy time with taking test and finishing up school but it will be wonderful because I am finally finishing something I have been wanting to finish forever. Finishing college in 3 1/2 years isn't too bad eh?? I hope that everyone has a wonderful, blessed year!! My new year's resolution (even though I don't believe in them) is to have a better attitude and just let go sometimes. I need to put God in control more because I stress out WAY too much about things!
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