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Friday, February 29, 2008


Happy Leap Day! If at the end of the year you are thinking this year took FOREVER, it is because of today. I am doing absolutely nothing special for Leap Day. I am working till 4 then going to school from 5:30-8:15. I live an exciting life! But tomorrow is Saturday and I get to babysit my little guy and go shopping possibly so it will be great! No word from Steven last night although he did call at 11:00pm to tell me they were leaving in about 20 minutes. I hope they got to Kuwait safely!! The process has started! (YES!!!)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Possibly One week from Now

There is a good chance that Steven will be home in about one week give or take a few days. Nothing is for sure yet but we are hoping that I will get to pick him up next Thursday or Friday. We can hope right? It will be so great to get back to normal with him. We are really looking forward to everything we used to do. We have learned a great deal as a couple this time and we have learned a lot individually. You can not truly say that you know the other person and appreciate them until you spend over two years apart! Everyone should have to go through it because you learn to not dwell on the petty things and appreciate the other person because they are THERE and not a million miles away. We are so happy and look forward to all the happenings of the next week + . So glad this is almost over! BUT can't dwell on it or time will start to crawl. Going about normal business is hard when all I want to do is see him. We will make it! Only a matter of days.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I am SO tired of homework!!! That is all I do and I hate it. Some of my classes are so unrealistic and pointless. Is it over yet?!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Two Weeks from Today!!!

Two weeks from today I get to pick up Steven for good!! I am so excited. Two weeks is NOTHING!!! I am so excited. We are so excited. We can't wait to be together and relax for awhile. I think whenever he comes home we are going to do nothing that weekend, just be at home. We are ready to just chill together! I still have a lot to do but my list is getting shorter. Only one project, two papers, and homework assignments. Okay, so I do have a lot to do! We are getting closer and closer!! YES!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Grandma turns 80!!!

Today we had my grandmother's 80th birthday party at the church she attends. It was a supirse party and it turned out great!! She was very suprised and really enjoyed herself. All her kids were in town for the big event (we live here) and she had no clue till she got to the church. There was an abundance of lying but it was all for a good reason! I think it was a smash hit. We know she will be around for atleast for another 15 years if things keep up, she is as healthy as a horse and we love her. It is the VanKlaveren blood in her (both parents lived to 94)!!! We love you grandma! Pictured is my Aunt Brenda, Mom, Grandma, and my Uncle Dillard.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Three weeks from Today!!

Three weeks from today I should be picking up Steven! I am so glad. He only has about 12 more days till he is on his way to the states again. Woohoo!!! We are both so happy and excited and just glad that time went by some fast once he left in December. It is so refreshing to see my little countdown go further and further down everytime I wake up. Only 21 days yes! So happy and excited. BUT I have SO many projects and papers to do within the next three weeks plus midterms and getting stuff ready for Steven. I hope I can stay focused enough to get everything done! I think I can I think I can!! Woohoo!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Look at this!!!

Notice my ticker?? 3 weeks and 3 days until my Steven is home!!! Looking at when he left and thinking that it would be forever (78 days) to now only 25 more to go!!! I am already starting to get all nervous, excited, butterflies, cleaning up, planning!! We are so excited for him to finally be home and STAY home! He will be working for the government until Juneish/early July but he is so excited about it. Better than plumbing!! He will be doing active duty work in New Braunfels everyday so it will be good, steady work! Then, in June/July he will be done!!! We are so happy about everything that will be going on in the next few weeks/months! It will be great great!!! So happy for my husband to finally be home. Only a few more days!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

It only took me 6 months!!!

It only took me 6 months but today I didn't work so I finally got my Driver's license and Social Security card changed over to Megan Lynae Rodriguez. It took me so long due to school and my scholarship. My name is still Megan Whitson on my debit card/bank account and school but that is just till August when my last check clears. Anyway, I am proud of myself for doing it all!!! And Steven, there is no hyphen, just Rodriguez okay!! I am off today and I am glad because I got a lot done so far and it is only noon. Now just to go to Target and do homework the rest of my day (yay).

Friday, February 8, 2008

One Month from Today

One month from today I should be picking up Steven from wherever I have to get him!! FOR GOOD!!! I don't have to return him this time ever!! YIPEEEEE!!!! One month from today I will be on cloud nine!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Groundhog's Day

Happy Groundhog's Day to everyone! I believe he saw his shadow here in San Antonio so that means 6 more long weeks of winter. This year I am READY for spring because I have had horrible horrible dry skin, allergies galore, and I think I am getting older cause cold just seems unbearable. Here's to 6 more weeks of winter! Thanks Mr. Groundhog!