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Thursday, January 24, 2008

My smart little man!

I have never been around very many kids growing up and I must say, they are amazing. My little guy has just grown so much in even the past month. I love him so much and I am so glad that he was born. His sibling that I am pushing my sister for will have big shoes to fill. He is SO SMART!! I don't know if this is normal but he can say all his alphabet. ALL of them. All 26 letters and sounds. Also he knows four of his colors. He can say them and point them out. Brown, orange, yellow, and blue! I am so proud. Okay I know, everyone thinks their family is the best but he is 2 years old and 2 months! Can I be a little boastful? I love him so much and he is my favorite nephew. Well he is my only nephew but we have a special bond!

I know some day he will grow up but I am trying to enjoy every minute I have with him. He is special to me and I can't wait for another one to play with. I want Steven to be here so I can show him off to him!! Okay enough raving about my super smart nephew!!

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